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Umění Afirmace

The Art Of Affirmation je proces, který zajišťuje validaci při sezeních k řešení jakýchkoli explicitních nebo implicitních konfliktů, které vyžadují mediaci. Pomáhají přinášet empatii, efektivní myšlení a tím i pocit vyvážené rovnováhy na vašem pracovišti nebo u vás doma.

Naše soukromé sezení probíhají osobně, pomocí Zoom nebo BOTIM.

Sezení se připravují předem tak, že vyplníte formulář, který Sukaiyna studuje před prvním sezením. To umožňuje žádné plýtvání časem se shromažďováním informací a také to dává Sukaiyně podrobné pochopení vašich potřeb, což jí umožňuje pomoci vám s okamžitými výsledky.

“One of my teachers once told me that creativity comes through emptiness. The Garden of Ayden is helping me to reach this emptiness to reach the bottom of the iceberg and to become the captain of the most beautiful ship my life!” 
“Every time I leave this place, I feel I can climb the Burj Khalifa.”
“Garden of Ayden was given me an opportunity to take a step back, to gain perspective, to discover different facets of emotions and reactions and become were conscious of how we create our path in the world. Thank you.”
“Garden of Ayden to me is a place that has turned my own garden into a lush and inspiring place where I have grown and become a person that I truly love.’ 
In my Garden, I am able to see only the good in everyone, to forgive those who have hurt me and give everyone I meet my very best. 
Thank you. I am even so grateful.”

“Garden of Ayden to me is a place where people discover who they are, and it makes you a peaceful person. Everybody can change the world by first changing themselves.”

“Garden of Ayden to me is liberation, fresh air, and new perspective. It’s a ray of light; no, it’s sunshine.”
“Suki is a wonderful person to have by your side…. Suki has a very intuitive sense and was able to quickly understand where I was on my journey and help me clarify and address the challenges I faced.” 

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