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5.3 Clearing the Heart

5.3 Instructions: This is an exercise to relieve the internal burden and allow you to find peace to say what you mean and mean what you say peacefully, lightly and gently. At the end of this process, make the notes of your experience.

Step 1: Aligning Your Intentions

Objective: To make a commitment to the light of your soul and return to pure consciousness.

Step 2: Make a Commitment.

Make an honest decision that your most important commitment is to being connected with your true nature. Repeat the following:

Commitment Affirmation:

My commitment is to light

Light of heart, light of conscience, light of intention to reach and seek absolute light and to be able to project it, share it and protect it with absolute faith and always in justice – To be true to my own soul to ensure for it to always remain in light with no shadows whatsoever, in bliss.

Step 3: Reading Self

Objective: To be present by witnessing your attachments, thoughts, and feelings and see their patterns. Examine which thoughts and feelings assist you in relation to your commitment to yourself.

Step 4: To Examine the purpose of these thoughts and feelings.

Anything that fixates the heart is a barrier, whether we find it a “positive” or a “negative.”

Step 5: Freedom from Our Limiting Thoughts

Once you have determined which thoughts,feelings or desires are holding you back restricting you or keeping you confined:

1. See each one as a colored helium-filled balloon.

2. What color does each feeling evoke?

3. If it’s red turn it into a big red balloon and (do the same for any limitations)

4. See yourself letting go of the strings connecting you to it.

5. Watch as the balloons drift off into the sky becoming smaller and smaller.

6. At the same time, feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter.

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our soul’s blossom” -Marcel Proust

Resting in the Joy

1. Think about what makes you happiest.

2. Focus your attention on the place, object, person or activity

3. Create it entirely in your mind.

4. As you begin to experience the feeling of happiness inside, turn your focus to the feeling.

5. Allow this feeling of happiness to expand until it fills you entirely with a sense of well-being.

6. Now rest in this sense of well-being for a few chains of breath.

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